
Placid Gang In-ho (played by Yoo Gong) reports for a position as art instructor at a school for the deaf in Gwangju Province, Korea, and soon discovers that the children are being sexually molested and viciously punished by an instructor and the twins running the school. After reporting what he sees to human rights activist Seo Yu-jin (played by Yu-mi Jeong), filmviewers discover how corrupt Korean society is and how brave are those who fight for children’s rights. Directed by Dong Hyeuk Hwang, the quest for justice encounters roadblocks at almost every turn, but the molested children in the end are given a safe home, while perpetrators are released on probation. Nominated for best film expose and best film on human rights of 2011, Silenced (Do-ga-ni) is the most powerful political film from Korea in many years. MH

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